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Multiplication Success for Dyslexia and Dyscalculia


School teachers talks about teaching multiplication to dyslexia and dyscalculia students  Meagan is a 5th grade school teacher who is always trying fun, out-of-the-box ways to teach her class. 

Today I’m going to tell you about a way that many children with learning disabilities have successfully mastered their times tables...even when no other methods have worked. This unconventional, right-brain, learning system is starting to catch on with teachers, tutors, and homeschool parents as a new and improved system for struggling learners to achieve competency in multiplication facts. 

Although there are some great proven programs for dyslexia reading (such as Susan Barton’s Reading System), there are very few math programs on the market that are geared for the right-brain, dominant student. We mostly think of math as a left-brain learning modality. However, mnemonics are a wonderful tool to bridge traditional left-brain math, with the visual right-brain. This memory aide is so effective at providing a “peg” to retain information, even children as young as 5 or 6 (who have not yet learned multiplication) can easily recite the upper, most difficult times tables. 

If your child or student has dyslexia or dyscalculia, this might just be the answer to their math struggles. It is a whole different approach to learning, but works amazingly well!

4 Reason Children with Learning Disabilities Should Use a Mnemonic Tool to Learn the Times Tables

#1 It’s Effective

If you are a parent that has been in the trenches of trying to help your child learn through traditional methods, you most likely have experienced the frustration of the ineffectiveness of the rote memorization method. While many children with dyscalculia and dyslexia can grasp the concept of multiplication, they must have proficiency in the recall of the math facts in order to achieve successful math computations. 

Utilizing a visual, mnemonic aid for quick recall of the upper, most difficult times tables, has resulted in higher test scores for many children that are struggling learners. In fact, an independent student published by Florida National University showed an average of 81% increase in multiplication scores for children with learning disabilities, after they were taught with the Times Tales® program. 


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CLICK to read a summary of the 37 page statistical analysis report on the effectiveness of Times Tales with Learning Disabilities.



#2 It’s Fast!

Many teachers, tutors and parents have found that incorporating mnemonics to achieve mastery of the times tables cuts the time spent with traditional learning methods to a fraction. This is true for not only children who struggle with learning disabilities, but for ALL types of learners. 

As a third grade teacher, one of the most frustrating aspects of teaching multiplication tables is the “I forgot” factor.  We’ve all witnessed it. A student may know a math fact one day, and completely draw a blank the next. This happens because the brain has not been TOLD to retain that information. However, since mnemonics work by providing the brain with a “memory peg” to quickly recall the facts, miraculously most children are able to remember the answer months and even years later! 

  • For the classroom teachers, using mnemonics to teach the upper times tables (for ALL their students) can shed weeks and even months from traditional classroom instruction time. 


  • For the parents that discover their children are falling behind in math (as a result of not having their upper times tables mastered) utilizing this type of program is a great way to get their kids caught up quickly. 


  • The speed in which mastery can be achieved through using this system also benefits tutors that have a limited amount of time to teach a specific subject. 

Times Tales for children with learning disabilities

#3 It’s Easy!

Even some children as young as 5 or 6, who have not yet learned the CONCEPT of multiplication, are able to effortlessly recite the upper, most difficult times tables with this visual, memorization method.

You might be wondering….how can mastering the upper facts be of any use IF the student hasn’t yet learned the concept of multiplication? The answer is that for most students, the hardest part of multiplication mastery is memorizing the upper, most difficult times tables. This step in the learning process causes many children (especially those with learning disabilities) feelings of stress and defeat. Not having this foundational skill down, can cause a student to fall behind in math for many years to come. 

Parents of children that have mastered proficiency in the times tables from an early age (often from learning the program alongside an older sibling) have said that when it came time to introduce multiplication, it was a piece of cake. Why? Because children that already have the upper facts memorized right from the start, can make the process of learning the multiplication chart stress free. The lower times tables are easily computed by reverting to basic addition (if they forget the answer) and the upper times tables have been permanently memorized through a mnemonic memorization tool. Voila! Mastery for ALL the times tables on the multiplication chart!

#4 It’s Fun!

Not only does incorporating mnemonics make learning fun, but it gives students a learning tool that can be used for a lifetime! Most children absolutely LOVE visual-based, mnemonic learning. Why? Because it’s almost like a magic trick of the brain! Both kids and parents are amazed when the answer so easily comes after utilizing a memory peg through a mnemonic tool.  

You can read hundreds of testimonies from parents sharing their story how no other method worked for their struggling learner - whether it was ADD, dyslexia or dyscalculia. Once their child switched over to this right-brain, visual learning modality, the answers finally “stuck”. One of the best parts is, when children learn to utilize mnemonics as an aid in memory retention, they can apply this powerful tool to memory retention for all types of subjects.

Those are the top 4 reasons to give mnemonics a try if you have a student or child struggling to master their multiplication tables. It’s EFFECTIVE, it’s FAST, it’s EASY and it’s a really FUN way for kids to learn. 

If you would like to see this amazing program in action with your student or child, you can try the FREE sample today. Just follow the instructions below. 

FREE Sample Instructions:
1. Click the link below.
2. Submit your Email.
3. You will be sent a link to watch the digital streaming version. 
4. The streaming sample takes about 15 minutes to watch. At the end of the video your child or student will have easily memorized 9x6, 9x7, 9x8, and 9x9! 

Get the FREE sample by clicking this link.

Students with learning disabilities can try the free sample with this link

To learn all the upper multiplication facts using mnemonics, check out the full version of Times Tales. This right-brain, visual learning program will have your child easily recalling the upper multiplication facts faster than you ever thought possible.

Meagan is a frequent contributor for the Trigger Memory Co. and promotes Times Tales and other right-brain, visual learning products available at 

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