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Multiplication for the Visual Learner

Multiplication for the Visual Learner


Before any student is ready to jump into memorizing the times tables, they must first learn the concept of multiplication as grouping of numbers. For the student that is a visual learner there are several different fun and engaging ways in which to successfully teach this math concept.

Visual Learning Method to Teach Multiplication in 3 Easy Steps !



STEP #1. Use Imagination and Visualization to Demonstrate Why we use Multiplication

Once a student has addition and subtraction mastered, they are ready to move on to processing higher numbers using multiplication. When your student is ready to jump into the world of multiplying, a good starting point is to first discuss why we use multiplication to process numbers and the relationship to basic addition. 

 Visualization Exercise #1: First, ask the student to imagine having a table of single bananas, in which they first put 2 in a basket, then add 3 more.  Ask them, how many bananas do they have in their basket? They will say, “that’s easy, I have 5 bananas in a basket.” 
Next, ask the student to imagine the table has bunches of bananas, with 6 bananas in each bunch. This time they will put in 7 bunches of bananas in their basket. Ask them how many bananas do they have now? They will probably say something like, “I don’t know, that’s too many for me to add up!”. Voila! A visual demonstration of why we need multiplication to process larger groups of numbers. 

Visualization Exercise #2: Ask the student to visualize two groups of four added together, then tell you what the answer is. Then, ask them to visualize adding up 7 groups of four, and to tell you the answer. They will most likely say, “no way, that’s too many fours to add up!” This is another great way to visually introduce why we need to use multiplication to compute large groups of numbers.


STEP #2. Right-Brain Grouping 

Using both visual and kinesthetic learning modalities is a great way to solidify the concept of multiplication for the right-brain-geared student. This can be done using manipulatives with everyday items such as Legos® and marbles or using pictures to visually group numbers on paper.  

Grouping Exercise #1:  Write multiplication facts on a stack of recipe cards. Place the cards face down next to a pile of small items such as: Legos® or marbles. The student will first draw a card from the pile, then group the items according to the multiplication fact on the card. For extra reinforcement, have them show the reverse grouping representation of the fact drawn. For example, if they drew 4x3, they would make four groups of three items and three groups of four items.
 *This exercise can be modified by replacing items with having the student instead draw picture representations of grouping on a piece of paper.

 Use Times Tales to master the multiplication chart

STEP #3: Use Mnemonics to Memorize the Upper Times Tables

For most students, the upper times tables are the most challenging to master. This is because the upper math facts cannot be easily computed using addition. At this point many teachers and home educators have found students will come to a complete halt in their advancement of mastering the multiplication chart, as these upper facts are recalled mostly through memorization.

Although traditional left-brain memorization through rote (repetitive) methods does work on some level, for many this mode of learning is not very effective. Any teacher that has taught the multiplication chart to her classroom will tell you that knowing the facts one day, does not mean the students will remember them the next. In fact, the opposite is often true since there is nothing to anchor the information in order to make the math facts “stick”.

The good news is that many educators are switching to a more effective right-brain approach to learning the multiplication chart. Although the memory tool of mnemonics has been around for years (and is commonly utilized by medical students for memorization of difficult terms), it is only now beginning to get attention for its effectiveness as a better way to retain new information. This right-brain memory tool is not only highly effective as a fast and efficient way to conquer learning the times tables, but it also has proven highly successful for visual learners with challenges such as dyslexia and dyscalculia.

Mnemonic Method of Memorization Exercise: Students can learn how to use a visual memorization tool called mnemonics to memorize 9x6, 9x7, 9x8 and 9x9 in just 15 minutes! Click on this link for the free sample demonstration. 

multiplication math for visual learners

To learn all the upper multiplication facts using mnemonics, check out Times Tales. This right-brain, visual learning program will have your child easily recalling the upper multiplication facts faster than you ever thought possible.

This blog post was written to provide information about visual learning methods and for the promotion of Times Tales.

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Next article Mnemonic Learning & Times Table Chart 101- Stop Using Repetitive Learning Methods to Teach Multiplication Tables!

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